I was trying to implement multithreading in golang. I am able to implement go routines but it is not working as expected. below is the sample program which i have prepared,

func test(s string, fo *os.File) {
    var s1 [105]int
    count :=0
    for x :=1000; x<1101;x++ {
    s1[count] = x;

    for i := range s1 {
        sd := s + strconv.Itoa(i)
        var fileMutex sync.Mutex
        defer fileMutex.Unlock()

func main() {
    fo,err :=os.Create("D:/Output.txt")
    if err != nil {
    for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
        go test("bye",fo) 



OUTPUT - good0bye0bye0bye0bye0good1bye1bye1bye1bye1good2bye2bye2bye2bye2.... etc. the above program will create a file and write "Hello" and "bye" in the file.

My problem is i am trying to create 5 thread and wanted to process different values values with different thread. if you will see the above example it is printing "bye" 4 times.

i wanted output like below using 5 thread,


any idea how can i achieve this?