在Go的字节片中,你可以在 HasSuffix() 函数的帮助下检查给定的slice是否以指定的前缀结束。如果给定的分片以指定的后缀开始,该函数返回真,如果给定的分片不以指定的后缀结束,则返回假。它被定义在字节包下,因此,你必须在你的程序中导入字节包以访问HasSuffix函数。
func HasSuffix(slice_1, suf []byte) bool
// Go program to illustrate how to check the
// given slice ends with the specified suffix
package main
import (
func main() {
// Creating and initializing slices of bytes
// Using shorthand declaration
slice_1 := []byte{'G', 'E', 'E', 'K', 'S', 'F',
'o', 'r', 'G', 'E', 'E', 'K', 'S'}
slice_2 := []byte{'A', 'P', 'P', 'L', 'E'}
// Checking whether the given slice
// ends with the specified suffix or not
// Using HasSuffix function
res1 := bytes.HasSuffix(slice_1, []byte("S"))
res2 := bytes.HasSuffix(slice_2, []byte("O"))
res3 := bytes.HasSuffix([]byte("Hello! I am Apple."), []byte("Hello"))
res4 := bytes.HasSuffix([]byte("Hello! I am Apple."), []byte("Apple."))
res5 := bytes.HasSuffix([]byte("Hello! I am Apple."), []byte("."))
res6 := bytes.HasSuffix([]byte("Hello! I am Apple."), []byte("P"))
res7 := bytes.HasSuffix([]byte("Geeks"), []byte(""))
// Displaying results
fmt.Println("Result_1: ", res1)
fmt.Println("Result_2: ", res2)
fmt.Println("Result_3: ", res3)
fmt.Println("Result_4: ", res4)
fmt.Println("Result_5: ", res5)
fmt.Println("Result_6: ", res6)
fmt.Println("Result_7: ", res7)
Result_1: true
Result_2: false
Result_3: false
Result_4: true
Result_5: true
Result_6: false
Result_7: true