

I have object initializer in my code, that initializes every field of my object explicitly. But in my case, most of the parameters have sensible defaults and I want to use them.

 __ init __ 
class Foo:
    """This class designed to show zero configuration
    principle in action"""
    def __init__(self, mandatory, optional=None, **kwargs):
        self.__field1 = mandatory
        self.__field2 = optional or make_default2()
        if 'bar' in kwargs:
            self.__field3 = kwargs['bar']
            self.__field3 = make_default3()

f = Foo('mondatory', bar=Bar())


There is no parameters with default values in Go nor keyword parameters or function overloads. Because of that - it is difficult to write flexible initialization code (I don't care much about performance in such code usually). I want to find most idiomatic way to write such code in Go. Maybe some combination of runtime type reflection and maps will do the job, what do you think?



Because newly-allocated memory in Go is always zeroed, the idiomatic way is to make explicit use of this fact by:

  • 将结构设计为具有合理的零值
  • 使用复合文字

Take a look at the following section of Effective Go: http://golang.org/doc/effective_go.html#data

 NewConfigStruct() New 
