golang pprof


当你的golang程序在运行过程中消耗了超出你理解的内存时,你就需要搞明白,到底是 程序中哪些代码导致了这些内存消耗。此时golang编译好的程序对你来说是个黑盒,该 如何搞清其中的内存使用呢?幸好golang已经内置了一些机制来帮助我们进行分析和追 踪。


pprof 实例

// pprof 的init函数会将pprof里的一些handler注册到http.DefaultServeMux上
// 当不使用http.DefaultServeMux来提供http api时,可以查阅其init函数,自己注册handler
import _ "net/http/pprof"

go func() {
http.ListenAndServe("", nil)
​http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/​​go tool pprof​​runtime.MemProfileRate​

0 block
136840 goroutine
902 heap
0 mutex
40 threadcreate

full goroutine stack dump
heap profile: 3190: 77516056 [54762: 612664248] @ heap/1048576
1: 29081600 [1: 29081600] @ 0x89368e 0x894cd9 0x8a5a9d 0x8a9b7c 0x8af578 0x8b4441 0x8b4c6d 0x8b8504 0x8b2bc3 0x45b1c1
# 0x89368d github.com/syndtr/goleveldb/leveldb/memdb.(*DB).Put+0x59d
# 0x894cd8 xxxxx/storage/internal/memtable.(*MemTable).Set+0x88
# 0x8a5a9c xxxxx/storage.(*snapshotter).AppendCommitLog+0x1cc
# 0x8a9b7b xxxxx/storage.(*store).Update+0x26b
# 0x8af577 xxxxx/config.(*config).Update+0xa7
# 0x8b4440 xxxxx/naming.(*naming).update+0x120
# 0x8b4c6c xxxxx/naming.(*naming).instanceTimeout+0x27c
# 0x8b8503 xxxxx/naming.(*naming).(xxxxx/naming.instanceTimeout)-fm+0x63


# runtime.MemStats
# Alloc = 2463648064
# TotalAlloc = 31707239480
# Sys = 4831318840
# Lookups = 2690464
# Mallocs = 274619648
# Frees = 262711312
# HeapAlloc = 2463648064
# HeapSys = 3877830656
# HeapIdle = 854990848
# HeapInuse = 3022839808
# HeapReleased = 0
# HeapObjects = 11908336
# Stack = 655949824 / 655949824
# MSpan = 63329432 / 72040448
# MCache = 38400 / 49152
# BuckHashSys = 1706593
# GCSys = 170819584
# OtherSys = 52922583
# NextGC = 3570699312
# PauseNs = [1052815 217503 208124 233034 1146462 456882 1098525 530706 551702 419372 768322 596273 387826 455807 563621 587849 416204 599143 572823 488681 701731 656358 2476770 12141392 5827253 3508261 1715582 1295487 908563 788435 718700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
# NumGC = 31
# DebugGC = false
heap profile: 3190(inused objects): 77516056(inused bytes) [54762(alloc objects): 612664248(alloc bytes)] @ heap/1048576(2*MemProfileRate)
1: 29081600 [1: 29081600] (前面4个数跟第一行的一样,此行以后是每次记录的,后面的地址是记录中的栈指针)@ 0x89368e 0x894cd9 0x8a5a9d 0x8a9b7c 0x8af578 0x8b4441 0x8b4c6d 0x8b8504 0x8b2bc3 0x45b1c1
# 0x89368d github.com/syndtr/goleveldb/leveldb/memdb.(*DB).Put+0x59d 栈信息

相信,对pprof不了解的用户看了以上内容,很难获得更多的有用信息。因此我们需要引用更多工具来帮助 我们更加简单的解读pprof内容。

go tool

​go tool pprof -inuse_space​
(pprof) top10
1355.47MB of 1436.26MB total (94.38%)
Dropped 371 nodes (cum <= 7.18MB)
Showing top 10 nodes out of 61 (cum >= 23.50MB)
flat flat% sum% cum cum%
512.96MB 35.71% 35.71% 512.96MB 35.71% net/http.newBufioWriterSize
503.93MB 35.09% 70.80% 503.93MB 35.09% net/http.newBufioReader
113.04MB 7.87% 78.67% 113.04MB 7.87% runtime.rawstringtmp
55.02MB 3.83% 82.50% 55.02MB 3.83% runtime.malg
45.01MB 3.13% 85.64% 45.01MB 3.13% xxxxx/storage.(*Node).clone
26.50MB 1.85% 87.48% 52.50MB 3.66% context.WithCancel
25.50MB 1.78% 89.26% 83.58MB 5.82% runtime.systemstack
25.01MB 1.74% 91.00% 58.51MB 4.07% net/http.readRequest
25MB 1.74% 92.74% 29.03MB 2.02% runtime.mapassign
23.50MB 1.64% 94.38% 23.50MB 1.64% net/http.(*Server).newConn
​go tool pprof -alloc_space​​top​
(pprof) top
523.38GB of 650.90GB total (80.41%)
Dropped 342 nodes (cum <= 3.25GB)
Showing top 10 nodes out of 106 (cum >= 28.02GB)
flat flat% sum% cum cum%
147.59GB 22.68% 22.68% 147.59GB 22.68% runtime.rawstringtmp
129.23GB 19.85% 42.53% 129.24GB 19.86% runtime.mapassign
48.23GB 7.41% 49.94% 48.23GB 7.41% bytes.makeSlice
46.25GB 7.11% 57.05% 71.06GB 10.92% encoding/json.Unmarshal
31.41GB 4.83% 61.87% 113.86GB 17.49% net/http.readRequest
30.55GB 4.69% 66.57% 171.20GB 26.30% net/http.(*conn).readRequest
22.95GB 3.53% 70.09% 22.95GB 3.53% net/url.parse
22.70GB 3.49% 73.58% 22.70GB 3.49% runtime.stringtoslicebyte
22.70GB 3.49% 77.07% 22.70GB 3.49% runtime.makemap
21.75GB 3.34% 80.41% 28.02GB 4.31% context.WithCancel

可以看出string-[]byte相互转换、分配map、bytes.makeSlice、encoding/json.Unmarshal等调用累积分配的内存较多。 此时我们就可以review代码,如何减少这些相关的调用,或者优化相关代码逻辑。

​top -cum​​-cum​
(pprof) top20 -cum
322890.40MB of 666518.53MB total (48.44%)
Dropped 342 nodes (cum <= 3332.59MB)
Showing top 20 nodes out of 106 (cum >= 122316.23MB)
flat flat% sum% cum cum%
0 0% 0% 643525.16MB 96.55% runtime.goexit
2184.63MB 0.33% 0.33% 620745.26MB 93.13% net/http.(*conn).serve
0 0% 0.33% 435300.50MB 65.31% xxxxx/api/server.(*HTTPServer).ServeHTTP
5865.22MB 0.88% 1.21% 435300.50MB 65.31% xxxxx/api/server/router.(*httpRouter).ServeHTTP
0 0% 1.21% 433121.39MB 64.98% net/http.serverHandler.ServeHTTP
0 0% 1.21% 430456.29MB 64.58% xxxxx/api/server/filter.(*chain).Next
43.50MB 0.0065% 1.21% 429469.71MB 64.43% xxxxx/api/server/filter.TransURLTov1
0 0% 1.21% 346440.39MB 51.98% xxxxx/api/server/filter.Role30x
31283.56MB 4.69% 5.91% 175309.48MB 26.30% net/http.(*conn).readRequest
0 0% 5.91% 153589.85MB 23.04% github.com/julienschmidt/httprouter.(*Router).ServeHTTP
0 0% 5.91% 153589.85MB 23.04% github.com/julienschmidt/httprouter.(*Router).ServeHTTP-fm
0 0% 5.91% 153540.85MB 23.04% xxxxx/api/server/router.(*httpRouter).Register.func1
2MB 0.0003% 5.91% 153117.78MB 22.97% xxxxx/api/server/filter.Validate
151134.52MB 22.68% 28.58% 151135.02MB 22.68% runtime.rawstringtmp
0 0% 28.58% 150714.90MB 22.61% xxxxx/api/server/router/naming/v1.(*serviceRouter).(git.intra.weibo.com/platform/vintage/api/server/router/naming/v1.service)-fm
0 0% 28.58% 150714.90MB 22.61% xxxxx/api/server/router/naming/v1.(*serviceRouter).service
0 0% 28.58% 141200.76MB 21.18% net/http.Redirect
132334.96MB 19.85% 48.44% 132342.95MB 19.86% runtime.mapassign
42MB 0.0063% 48.44% 125834.16MB 18.88% xxxxx/api/server/router/naming/v1.heartbeat
0 0% 48.44% 122316.23MB 18.35% xxxxxx/config.(*config).Lookup


​web​​.svg​​go tool pprof -alloc_space -cum -svg > heap.svg​​heap.svg​


golang 内存分析/动态追踪_函数调用

​(自身分配的内存 of 该函数累积分配的内存)​




​go tool pprof​​pprof/go tool pprof​


go-torch -alloc_space --colors=mem
go-torch -inuse_space --colors=mem


​go test​​go test​​go tool pprof​​go-torch​
  1. 生成cpu、mem的pprof文件
go test -bench=BenchmarkStorageXXX -cpuprofile cpu.out -memprofile mem.out
  1. 此时会生成一个二进制文件和2个pprof数据文件,例如
storage.test cpu.out mem.out
  1. 然后使用go-torch来分析,二进制文件放前面
go-torch storage.test cpu.out
go-torch --colors=mem -alloc_space storage.test mem.out
go-torch --colors=mem -inuse_space storage.test mem.out


1 将多个小对象合并成一个大的对象

2 减少不必要的指针间接引用,多使用copy引用


3 局部变量逃逸时,将其聚合起来

这一点理论跟1相同,核心在于减少object的分配,减少gc的压力。 例如,以下代码

for k, v := range m {
k, v := k, v // copy for capturing by the goroutine
go func() {
// use k and v


for k, v := range m {
x := struct{ k, v string }{k, v} // copy for capturing by the goroutine
go func() {
// use x.k and x.v


type X struct {
buf []byte
bufArray [16]byte // Buf usually does not grow beyond 16 bytes.

func MakeX() *X {
x := &X{}
// Preinitialize buf with the backing array.
x.buf = x.bufArray[:0]
return x

5 尽可能使用字节数少的类型


6 减少不必要的指针引用

当一个对象不包含任何指针(注意:strings,slices,maps 和chans包含隐含的指针),时,对gc的扫描影响很小。 比如,1GB byte 的slice事实上只包含有限的几个object,不会影响垃圾收集时间。 因此,我们可以尽可能的减少指针的引用。



​go tool pprof​
cd $GOROOT/src/cmd/vendor/github.com/google
rm pprof
git clone https://github.com/google/pprof.git #确保在版本`e82ee9addc1b6c8e1d667ed6de0194241e1e03b5`之后
rm $GOROOT/pkg/darwin_amd64/cmd/vendor/github.com/google/pprof
cd $GOROOT/src/cmd/pprof
go build
mv pprof $GOROOT/pkg/tool/darwin_amd64/pprof