I want to write a yocto recipe for a cross-compiled golang application with Yocto 2.4.1 but I cannot get external dependencies to work. Can anyone help me?
current RECIPE_FILE: hello-world_%.bb
DESCRIPTION = "Hello world test with golang."
inherit go
COMPATIBLE_MACHINE = "(<machine>)"
DEPENDS = "go-cross-${TARGET_ARCH}"
GO_IMPORT = "hello-world"
SRC_URI = "<git_url>/${GO_IMPORT}.git;branch=${SRCBRANCH};tag=${PV}"
SRCBRANCH = "master"
PV = "0.01"
S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
do_compile() {
export GOPATH="${WORKDIR}/build"
export GOARCH="<machine_arch>"
export GOOS="linux"
export CGO_ENABLED="0"
go build src/${GO_IMPORT}/hello-world.go
do_install() {
install -d "${D}/${bindir}"
install -m 0755 "${WORKDIR}/build/hello-world" "${D}/${bindir}/hello-world"
RDEPENDS_${PN}-dev += "bash"
This recipe works fine for internal dependencies only. But how do I integrate external dependencies like "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes"?
PROJECT_FILE: hello-world.go
package main
import (
func main() {
timestamp := ptypes.TimestampNow()
Does anyone knows a solution for this use case?
Or does anyone know how "go-dep" could handle this?
Best regards