Youtube 亚历山大·雪莱,皇家交响乐团的首席副指挥,为本杰明·布里顿著名的管弦乐队介绍作了特别的旁白和指挥。采用全新的叙述方式,整个皇家爱乐乐团成员以他们自己在家中以云端演奏的方式汇集在一起,我们很高兴为您呈现这首活泼的赋格曲和基于亨利·珀塞尔(Henry Purcell)令人难忘的主题的变奏曲。 Alexander Shelley, Principal Associate Conductor of the RPO, narrates and conducts a very special version of Benjamin Britten's celebrated introduction to the orchestra. Featuring a brand new narration and with the full Royal Philharmonic Orchestra coming together digitally from their own homes, we are excited to present to you our new take on this lively fugue and variations based on a memorable theme by Henry Purcell.