I am storing oplogs in json format from primary mongodb instance running


however I am not able to find any way to push these oplogs in another primary instance of mongodb and replay them so that both databases can be synced

here is the code I have written to replay the oplogs

package operations

import (


type OlogQuery struct {
    Session *mgo.Session
    Query   bson.M
    Timeout time.Duration

type Olog struct {
    ts bson.MongoTimestamp `bson:"ts"`
    h  float64             `bson:"h"`
    v  int                 `bson:"v"`
    op string              `bson:"op"`
    ns string              `bson:"ns"`
    o  bson.M              `bson:"o"`
    o2 bson.M              `bson:"o2"`

type Obj struct {
    data map[string]Olog

func exists(path string) (bool, error) {
    _, err := os.Stat(path)
    if err == nil {
    return true, nil
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
    return false, nil
return true, err

var Written = make(chan bool, 1)

func ReplayOpLogs(dest *mgo.Session) bool {

dirExists, _ := exists("oplogs")
if !dirExists {
     fmt.Println("There are no oplogs to replay")
     return false
    files, err := ioutil.ReadDir("./oplogs")
     if err != nil {

for _, f := range files {
    raw, err := ioutil.ReadFile("./oplogs/" + f.Name())
    if err != nil {
    var ol []map[string]interface{}
    //var ol interface{}
    if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(raw), &ol); err != nil {
    for x := 0; x < len(ol); x++ {
        v := reflect.ValueOf(ol[x])
        if v.Kind() == reflect.Map {

            for key := range ol[x] {
                var temp Olog

                switch key {
                case "Timestamp":
                    temp.ts, _ = ol[x][key].(bson.MongoTimestamp)
                case "HistoryID":
                    temp.h, _ = ol[x][key].(float64)
                case "MongoVersion":
                    temp.v, _ = ol[x][key].(int)
                case "Operation":
                    temp.op, _ = ol[x][key].(string)
                case "NameSpace":
                    temp.ns, _ = ol[x][key].(string)
                case "Object":
                    temp.o, _ = ol[x][key].(bson.M)
                case "QueryObject":
                    temp.o2, _ = ol[x][key].(bson.M)

                var olq OlogQuery
                olq.Session = dest        //Destination Session
                olq.Query = bson.M{"ts": bson.M{"$gt": LastTime(dest)}}
                olq.Timeout = 1 * time.Second
                db := olq.Session.DB("local")
                collection := db.C("oplog.rs")
                b, err := bson.Marshal(temp)
                if err != nil {




return true
