转自:https://golangtc.com/t/53cca103320b52060a000030写了一个可以用 go 来写脚本的工具:gosl

代码和使用说明可以看这里: http://github.com/daviddengcn/gosl

Go Search 已经完全用 gosl 来启动了。

相比 bash/Python 写脚本的好处:

  1. 纯 Go 语言,没有新的学习成本
  2. 引入预先导入的 package 和预定义的内置函数,方便脚本书写
  3. 可以无缝的和 Go 项目衔接,例如可以直接读取数据和配置。
  4. 和 Go 有相同的执行效率,大大快过 Python



This is an application that can make you write script with the Go language.

It is NOT an interpreter but the pure Go. The preprocessor tranforms the script into a Go program, instantly compiles and runs. So it is almost same as the standard Go with the same efficiency.


  1. Pure Go language. No need to learn a new script language.
  2. Pre-imported packages and pre-defined functions make it easy to code.
  3. Seamless integration with the Go project. E.g. can easily load configuration or data file from the Go project.
  4. Running efficiency same as Go, much faster than Python.


  • Simple

Installation and Usage

Download and install the package

go get github.com/daviddengcn/gosl go install github.com/daviddengcn/gosl


sudo ln -s $GOPATH/bin/gosl /bin/gosl


#!/usr/bin/env gosl

Run a script


chmod a+x example.gs ./example.gs [params...]


gosl example.gs [params...]

Pre-imported Packages


More functions are defined in package daviddengcn/gosl/builtin/ (godoc)