I'm trying to parse a GNSS RINEX file using Golang.

For example, here's the RINEX specification for the VERSION line:

|RINEX VERSION / TYPE| - Format version (2.11)                  | F9.2,11X,  |
|                    | - File type ('O' for Observation Data)   |   A1,19X,  |
|                    | - Satellite System: blank or 'G': GPS    |   A1,19X   |
|                    |                     'R': GLONASS         |            |
|                    |                     'S': Geostationary   |            |
|                    |                          signal payload  |            |
|                    |                     'E': Galileo         |            |
|                    |                     'M': Mixed           |            |

Each line in a RINEX file has a fixed width of 80 ASCII characters + "\n". In this example the first 9 characters represent the version number (float).

In Python I might use:

struct.unpack("9s11s1s19s1s19s20s", line)

which would return a tuple with 7 strings.

I'm new to go and have been trying to use fmt.Sscanf for reading formatted text:

func main() {
    str := "     2.11           OBSERVATION DATA    G (GPS)             RINEX VERSION / TYPE\n"
    var value float32
    a, err := fmt.Sscanf(str,"%9.2f", &value)


bad verb %. for float32

Is there any package in go that permits parsing of fixed width data?

And if not, what might be a good approach for writing something similar to Python's struct?