strings.Index(s, str string) intstrings.LastIndex(s, str string) intstrings.IndexRune(s string, ch int) int
package main
import (
func main() {
var str string = "Hi, I'm Marc, Hi."
fmt.Printf("The position of \"Marc\" is: ")
fmt.Printf("%d\n", strings.Index(str, "Marc"))
fmt.Printf("The position of the first instance of \"Hi\" is: ")
fmt.Printf("%d\n", strings.Index(str, "Hi"))
fmt.Printf("The position of the last instance of \"Hi\" is: ")
fmt.Printf("%d\n", strings.LastIndex(str, "Hi"))
fmt.Printf("The position of \"Burger\" is: ")
fmt.Printf("%d\n", strings.Index(str, "Burger"))


The position of "Marc" is: 8
The position of the first instance of "Hi" is: 0
The position of the last instance of "Hi" is: 14
The position of "Burger" is: -1