Here's my starting point.

It is a Golang script to read in a csv with 3 columns, re-order the columns and write the result to a new csv file.

package main

import (

func main(){
  start_time := time.Now()

  // Loading csv file
  rFile, err := os.Open("data/small.csv") //3 columns
  if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("Error:", err)
  defer rFile.Close()

  // Creating csv reader
  reader := csv.NewReader(rFile)

  lines, err := reader.ReadAll()
  if err == io.EOF {
      fmt.Println("Error:", err)

  // Creating csv writer
  wFile, err := os.Create("data/result.csv")
  if err != nil {
  defer wFile.Close()
  writer := csv.NewWriter(wFile)

  // Read data, randomize columns and write new lines to results.csv
  var col_index []int
  for i,line :=range lines{
      if i == 0 {
        //randomize column index based on the number of columns recorded in the 1st line
        col_index = rand.Perm(len(line))
    writer.Write([]string{line[col_index[0]], line[col_index[1]], line[col_index[2]]}) //3 columns

//print report
fmt.Println("No. of lines: ",len(lines))
fmt.Println("Time taken: ", time.Since(start_time))



  1. Is my code idiomatic for Golang?

  2. How can I add concurrency to this code?