GoAppMonitor —— Golang 应用性能数据监控。这是一个 Go 开发库,为你的 Go 应用程序提供监控功能。包含系统级别的监控和业务级别监控。监控效果:示例代码:package main
import (
appm "github.com/wgliang/goappmonitor"
// Base or system performance data,such as memeory,gc,network and so on.
func baseOrsystem() {
for _ = range time.Tick(time.Second * time.Duration(10)) {
// (commonly used) Meter, used to sum and calculate the rate of change. Use scenarios
// such as the number of home visits statistics, CG etc..
pv := int64(rand.Int31n(100))
appm.Meter("appm.meter", pv)
appm.Meter("appm.meter.2", pv-50)
// (commonly used) Gauge, used to preserve the value of the instantaneous value of the
// type of record. Use scenarios such as statistical queue length, statistics CPU usage,
// and so on.
queueSize := int64(rand.Int31n(100) - 50)
appm.Gauge("appm.gauge", queueSize)
cpuUtil := float64(rand.Int31n(10000)) / float64(100)
appm.GaugeFloat64("appm.gauge.float64", cpuUtil)
// Custom or business performance data,such as qps,num of function be called, task queue and so on.
func customOrbusiness() {
for _ = range time.Tick(time.Second) {
// Histogram, using the exponential decay sampling method, the probability distribution of
// the statistical object is calculated. Using scenarios such as the probability distribution
// of the statistics home page to access the delay
delay := int64(rand.Int31n(100))
appm.Histogram("appm.histogram", delay)
func main() {
var ch chan int
go baseOrsystem()
go customOrbusiness()