如何在 Golang 中声明和访问指针变量?

指针在 Go 编程语言或 Golang 中是一个变量,用于存储另一个变量的内存地址。Golang 中的指针也被称为特殊变量。变量用于在系统的特定内存地址存储一些数据。内存地址总是以十六进制格式出现(从 0x 开始,如 0xFFAAF 等)。).




声明指针 :

var pointer_name *Data_Type


var s *string

指针初始化: 为此,您需要使用地址操作符用另一个变量的内存地址初始化指针,如下例所示:

// normal variable declaration
var a = 45

// Initialization of pointer s with 
// memory address of variable a
var s *int = &a


// Golang program to show how to declare
// and access pointer variable in Golang
package main

import (

func main() {

    // variable declaration
    var dummyVar string = "Geeks For Geeks"

    // pointer declaration
    var pointerVariable *string

    // assigning variable address to pointer variable
    pointerVariable = &dummyVar

    // Prints the address of the dummyVar variable
    fmt.Printf("\nAddress of the variable: %v", &dummyVar)

    // Prints the address stored in pointer
    fmt.Printf("\nAddress stored in the pointer variable: %v", pointerVariable)

    // Value of variable
    fmt.Printf("\nValue of the Actual Variable: %s", dummyVar)

    // Value of variable whose address is stored in pointer
    fmt.Printf("\nValue of the Pointer variable: %s", *pointerVariable)


Address of the variable: 0xc00010a040
Address stored in the pointer variable: 0xc00010a040
Value of the Actual Variable: Geeks For Geeks
Value of the Pointer variable: Geeks For Geeks

说明:这里(&)符号是用来获取存储值的变量的地址为“极客为极客”。该变量拥有的地址与指针中存储的地址相同。因此& dummyVar 和 pointerVariable 的输出是一样的。要访问存储在地址中的值,该值存储在指针中,我们使用(*)符号。