I am building a simple router for which the code is below.

type Res http.ResponseWriter
type Res http.ResponseWritertype Res response.Response

I looked at the http.ResponseWriter source code and noticed it is an interface whereas my response.Response is a struct, is this where the problem lies?

Does setting a type as another type does not necessarily alias it? And if not, then why did passing in http.ResponseWriter for type Res work initially?

package Router

import (
    // "./response"

// type Res response.Response
type Res http.ResponseWriter
type Req *http.Request

type RouteMap map[string]func(Res, Req) 
type MethodMap map[string]RouteMap

type Router struct {
    Methods MethodMap

func (router *Router) Get(urlString string, callback func(Res, Req)) {
    parsedUrl, err := url.Parse(urlString)

    if(err != nil) {

    router.Methods["GET"][parsedUrl.Path] = callback

func (router *Router) initMaps() {
    router.Methods = MethodMap{}
    router.Methods["GET"] = RouteMap{}

func (router Router) determineHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    methodMap := router.Methods[r.Method]
    urlCallback := methodMap[r.URL.Path]

    // newResponse := response.NewResponse(w)

    if(urlCallback != nil) {
        // urlCallback(newResponse, r)
        urlCallback(w, r)

func (router Router) Serve(host string, port string) {
    fullHost := host + ":" + port

    fmt.Println("Router is now serving to:" + fullHost)
    http.HandleFunc("/", router.determineHandler)

    err := http.ListenAndServe(fullHost, nil)

    if err == nil {
        fmt.Println("Router is now serving to:" + fullHost)
    } else {
        fmt.Println("An error occurred")


The commented out code describes the issue im having/what im trying to do