华为手机 roomba

You can control your Wi-Fi-connected Roomba from your phone, but if you have an Amazon Echo or Google Home (or a phone with Google Assistant), it can be even easier. Here’s how to control your robotic vacuum with just your voice.

您可以通过手机控制与Wi-Fi相连的Roomba,但是如果您有Amazon Echo或Google Home(或带有Google Assistant的手机),则操作会更加轻松。 这是只用声音控制机器人真空的方法。

如何设置和使用Roomba Alexa技能 (How to Set Up and Use the Roomba Alexa Skill)

To control your Roomba with the Echo, you’ll need to enable the Roomba Alexa skill. To do that, head to this link and click Enable.

要使用Echo控制Roomba,您需要启用Roomba Alexa技能。 为此,请转到此链接,然后单击“启用”。

Next, you’ll be prompted to log into your Roomba account. Enter your credentials and click “Log in.”

接下来,系统将提示您登录Roomba帐户。 输入您的凭据,然后单击“登录”。

Once the skill is enabled you can use the following commands:


  • “Alexa, ask Roomba to start/stop cleaning.” This will begin or end a cleaning job whenever you want. If you stop a cleaning job, Alexa will ask if you want to send your Roomba back to its station.

    “ Alexa,请Roomba开始/停止清洁。” 您可以随时开始或结束清洁工作。 如果您停止清洁工作,Alexa将会询问您是否要将Roomba发送回其工作站。

  • “Alexa, ask Roomba to go home.” This will send your Roomba back to its home station to charge.

    “ Alexa,请Roomba回家。” 这会将您的Roomba发送回其本站进行充电。

  • “Alexa, ask Roomba what it’s doing.” With this, Alexa will let you know what the Roomba is up to, whether it’s cleaning, waiting, or charging.

    “ Alexa,问Roomba在做什么。” 有了这个,Alexa将让您知道Roomba的工作方式,无论是清洁,等待还是充​​电。

  • “Alexa, ask Roomba where it is.” This command will make your Roomba emit a tone so you can find it if it’s stuck under furniture or lost in another room.

    “ Alexa,问Roomba在哪里。” 此命令将使Roomba发出声音,以便将其卡在家具下或丢在另一个房间中时找到。

All of these commands together do virtually everything the Roomba app can, except schedule cleaning tasks. As Alexa skills go, it’s pretty dang handy.

所有这些命令几乎可以完成Roomba应用程序可以执行的所有任务,除了计划清理任务。 随着Alexa技能的提高,它非常方便。

如何将Roomba链接到Google Home或Assistant (How to Link Your Roomba to Google Home or Assistant)

Connecting your Roomba to Google Assistant is a little bit different. In order to do this you’ll need either a phone or tablet running Android 6.0 or above that has Google Assistant on it, or an iPhone with the Google Assistant app.

将Roomba连接到Google Assistant有点不同。 为此,您需要运行Android 6.0或更高版本且带有Google Assistant的手机或平板电脑,或者具有Google Assistant应用的iPhone。

To set it up, open Google Assistant and say “ask Roomba to start cleaning.” Google will tell you that your Roomba account is not connected and give you a button to link your account. Tap this button.

要进行设置,请打开Goog​​le助手,然后说“问Roomba开始清洁”。 Google会告诉您您的Roomba帐户未连接,并提供一个按钮来链接您的帐户。 点击此按钮。

On the next screen enter your Roomba account credentials and click “Log in.”


Now you can use all the same voice commands that you use for the Alexa skill above. You can use these commands from any device with Google assistant on it including your phone, tablet, and Google Home.

现在,您可以使用与上述Alexa技能相同的所有语音命令。 您可以在装有Google Assistant的任何设备(包括手机,平板电脑和Google Home)上使用这些命令。

华为手机 roomba