梦翔儿,今天看python GUI资料时,发现了一个很酷的Python做的3D游戏,支持建server, 8人连网,支持手柄,可以mod, 好象不是完全开源的,不过绝大多数Py文件都可以直接打开。
源代码看不懂? 没关系,先下载直接开玩吧。
一直很感兴趣 Python游戏是怎么开发的,或者在Authorware停止更新,能用它开发更复杂商业化的多媒体交互展示产品的方案,大家有什么建议,可以留言给季老师微dreamflier。
Introducing BombSquad, an explosive arcade-style party game best enjoyed with several friends and a large couch.
Jump, punch, throw, and bomb your way to victory as you compete in a plethora of mini-games including Capture-the-Flag, King-of-the-Hill, Bomber-Hockey, and of course Epic-Slow-Motion-Elimination.
Up to 8 local players can get in on the action through BombSquad’s support of keyboards, PC gamepads, Wiimotes, PS3 controllers, and XBox 360 controllers. You can even use iOS and Android devices as wireless gamepads via BombSquad Remote, available for free on the iOS App Store, Google Play, and the Amazon Appstore.
Harness your mastery of physics to barrage your opponents from afar with precision-thrown bombs, or simply charge in and toss your enemies off the nearest cliff; all’s fair in love and BombSquad.
Bombs away!
For questions, comments, and bug reports, emailsupport@froemling.net
通过BombSquad对键盘,PC游戏手柄,Wiimotes,PS3控制器和XBox 360控制器的支持,多达8个本地玩家可以进入该行动。 您甚至可以通过BombSquad Remote使用iOS和Android设备作为无线游戏手柄,在iOS App Store,Google Play和Amazon Appstore上免费提供。
利用你掌握的物理技术,用精确投掷的炸弹远远地打击你的对手,或者干脆将你的敌人从最近的悬崖上冲下去, 所有的BombSquad公平。